Bluestar Landscape Designers

B e a u t i f u l O u t d o o r L i v i n g S p a c e s t o S u i t Y o u r S t y l e

Customizing a Landscape in Sun City Lincoln Hills

Customizing a landscape in Sun City Lincoln Hills

These homeowners in Sun City, Lincoln wanted to customize their front and rear yard landscapes.

We achieved this in the front by introducing new hardscape features (pots and trellises) and by adding more color with flowering plants. These changes bring dramatic results in a low-cost way.

The homeowners had built their own dry stream bed in the rear yard. We bring in large boulders and use the existing cobble to create a custom waterfall. We move the crape myrtle shrub out of the foreground because it is too tall for where it is located in the landscape, in effect “stopping one’s view”. Many of the plants in this yard are transplanted and almost all survive due to the years of experience this landscape construction company has in working with and understanding plants.

The new flagstone patio with decomposed granite joints makes for a much more usable yard. First we retain the hillside with moss rock boulders, which serve also as a seatwall behind the patio. In order to bring the cost of the job down, we order and have delivered all of the materials for the patio, then the homeowners build it themselves. We always try to work with homeowners to make their dreams comply with real life budgets!